Freshly mowed grass. Achoo. Pollen flowing from trees. Achoo. I thought allergies were associated with spring. I have never been prone to allergies but this year seems to be an exception. Tree pollen, ragweed, mold, mildew, humidity and the overall air quality is just making me...ah ah ah achoo. I have tried all the over the counter medications and they don't seem to have an effect. The 24 hour ones just give me a headache. It's really annoying. Achoo. I have also developed an allergy to certain foods. When I over eat, Achoo. When i drink water too fast. Achoo. And with my partial deviated septum, I honk. A honkchoo. It's loud. Like a fog horn on a boat. It scares the cats. It annoys my wife. I can't stop the noise. I run to another room in hopes I will get to the tissue box on time. I look up at the sun, or a light to induce the next honk. I never really know when I am finished. Spring allergies have turned into summer allergies. Achoo. I hate sneezing while driving because you can't sneeze with your eyes open. This could be worse than texting while driving. I don't want to be pulled over for a DWS. They would put me in a cell with other offenders and I guarantee there are no tissues. "What are you in for? oh, robbery? wow. me? I'm in for ah ah achoo..sorry."
Daily Theme Song:
The Kinks - Hay Fever
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