A couple of years ago I saw in the local newspaper that the East Islip High School graduating class of 1975 was having their 35 year reunion. I thought these things were celebrated in rounder numbers. I know there was a 10, 20, and 25, but 35? I have not been to any of these reunions. First of all, it was $110 per person. And B, I have no desire to see people I hardly remember anyway. Any high school friends I hung around with are either dead, in prison, or I have located on Facebook. That's the great thing about Facebook. you find people you haven't spoken to in years. The bad thing about Facebook is you find people you haven't spoken to in years. "Oh crap, I remember you, you're an asshole. Now I have to start the whole process of getting rid of you all over again." I didn't do so well with the ladies in high school. I'm not sure I want to relive that whole cesspool of rejection. Young people are much better looking now than the crop of fuglies I grew up with. I looked at my high school yearbook recently. The best looking girl in the school looked like Neil Young. I caught up with her on Facebook. People change. Now she looks like David Crosby. I barely passed in high school so I passed on the reunion and I will pass on the next one too. Probably the East Islip High School reunion of 37 years, 6 weeks and 5 days.
Daily Theme Song:
Steely Dan - My Old School
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