As I drove through my little town of Holbrook, Long Island I noticed a small median area about 12X4 in area with a small sign that said "Adopt A Median." So, I can own this little piece of land? How do I qualify for this adoption? Do I have to guarantee it a safe and happy home with two incomes and steady employment? I don't know. Of course if I did this I would immediately change the name from median to Stevie GB-ville or GB Town or something. I would load it up with signs and advertisements for my upcoming shows. I may even bring a lounge chair and just tan myself with one of those silver boards to catch the rays. Some sand, a beach ball to complete the mood. It's my land, I should be able to do whatever I want with it. Invite friends and family over. Not sure about the parking situation. But come on down to Stevie GB's Median. Bring an Entenmanns cake and maybe a bottle of wine. Let's chill right there. I kind of like the idea. I am calling right now. Stay tuned.
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