You know your life has reached a new low when the big part of your day is getting the mail. I still get a little flutter in my belly when I see that mail truck coming down my block. I watch from the window. I like my mailman. He waves to me. I give him a tip at Christmas and I always make a path for him in the snow storms.However, I don't like to go out there when he is at my mailbox. I wait and then run out. I don't even put shoes on. I run in my socks and open that box in hopes that something exciting will be in there. When I am expecting something in the mail it rarely comes on time. I hate the feeling of disappointment when it's not in there. I feel rejected for 24 hours until he arrives the next day. I hate when I go out there and the box is empty. Then I wonder "did he come? is there really no mail?" I have a tendency to check the box on Sunday, even though I know there is no mail on Sunday. Junk mail makes me angry and I get way too much of that. Local maid service companies, landscapers, painters, gutter cleaners, all leave flyers in my mailbox. I throw them directly in the garbage. One guy has a driveway repair service and he leaves a little bag of rocks in my mailbox. The mail is slowing down because we communicate by e-mail now. There may come a time when we won't need mailmen (or letter carriers) anymore, and we won't get that warm feeling of getting a Birthday card or a letter from someone we haven't seen in years. E-mails excite me too, but there is something about that short trip to the mailbox that will always have a place in my heart.
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