Having a backyard filled with trees is something I enjoy. I love to sit outside on summer mornings and listen to the birds. One major hazard is on many of these mornings, I walk out my back door and right into a spider web. I hope none of my neighbors are looking out their window. I must look like I am having some kind of seizure, or perhaps practicing my morning Karate lesson. We are all familiar with the gyrations that come from the removal of a spider web. It's an awful experience for us. One morning, I thought about the poor spider who probably spent most of the evening constructing the perfect web in hopes to find an abundance of flies for breakfast, only to find it destroyed. Imagine his anger. That would piss me off. Of course, Mrs. spider probably gives him a hard time. "Why did you put it right at the doorway? what did you think would happen?" I feel the same way when I see ant hills. I just brush them away with my foot. Days of work destroyed. Armies of ants regrouping, redesigning, going back to their little ant colonies to inform the troops that all their work has been reduced to dust. Tallying up the death toll. Little pictures of ant family members hanging on colony walls. "Have you seen my husband? we haven't seen him since the giant shoe. We will never forget 2:37pm." They must hate us humans.
Daily Theme Song:
Jonathan Richman - Hey There Little Insect:
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