Some kids in my neighborhood set up a table to sell lemonade. Nothing exposes a kid to capitalism better than a lemonade stand. Many times in the past I have stopped to purchase a cup just to make the kids feel good. I don't even drink it. I do it for the fun of seeing the joy on the faces of these young entrepreneurs when they make a sale. However, on this day, no entrepreneurs were present. Nobody was minding the store. They were off playing in the distance while the sweet lemonade sits next to some paper cups. No signs with a price in sight. If I learned anything from watching The Apprentice its poor signage is a cardinal sin in business. This is obviously not a well run establishment. Nobody is buying and nobody seems to care that nobody is buying. The flies were buzzing around the pitcher. I slowed down and even came to a complete stop, expecting to hear the running and screaming of a few kids elated and anxious to sell. Nothing. Is capitalism dying? Is the entrepreneurial spirit dead on arrival? Finally, I got the attention of one of the kids. She came over and said "you want lemonade?" I said "sure I will have a cup." I got out of my car and as I walked over she said "It's a dollar." A dollar for a tiny Dixie cup, the size of a shot glass, of lemonade in a pitcher covered with flies? These kids weren't capitalists, they were Wall Street tycoons. For a dollar, I expected Gordon Gekko to pour me this shot of lemonade. I swallowed my pride and took out my wallet. I said to the little girl "I only have a 5". She said. "I will go get change". When she went in the house, I got in my car and left. I may have destroyed her entrepreneurial spirit, but I have a sneaking suspicion she didn't care. And I got to keep the 4 singles that I had in my wallet.
Daily Theme Song:
Monster Movie - Sweet Lemonade
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