I am too old to be cool and too young to be old. I just don't fit in. I never really did, but I think a lot of people feel that way. In my mind I am still in my 20's or at least early 30's. I like to discover new music and fight the urge to become a cranky old complainer, bitching about how my music was better and these kids don't know good music. There is good new music out there, you have to dig for it. Gold must be mined. However, my struggle to be cool continues. I have a 27 year old daughter that says I repeat myself constantly. I have a 21 year old nephew who thinks I'm cool and we actually go to concerts together. He always wants me to hang out with him and his friends. I can't really hang out with him and his friends. It's just weird for me and even weirder for everyone else. I never hung around with anyone over 30 when I was 21. When I was 21 and found out Debby Harry, who I was madly and hopelessly in love with, was 32 I nearly vomited. I don't know anyone under 18 and don't want to. Men my age can't even make eye contact with that group without getting a visit from Chris Hanson from To Catch a Predator on Dateline. you know him, the "what are you doing here" guy. I always wonder why those pedophiles that get caught never ask Chris Hanson the same question. "what am I doing here? I can ask you the same question Chris. What are YOU doing here? I only have a couple of wine coolers. You have a whole camera crew. Who's the pervert now, huh?" Why do I get the feeling I shouldn't be talking about this. I'm cool. I would never ever even think about doing anything close to that. I just want to be cool, like a homeboy. Know what I'm sayin? Bro?
Daily Theme Song:
Sparks - Suburban Homeboy
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