People love to brag about their kids. They have bumper stickers to prove it. Everything from "My kid is an honor student" to "My kid beat up your honor student." They post pictures of their wonderful kids on Facebook. Don't any of these people realize that nobody cares about their wonderful kids? I have seen sonogram pictures, baby pictures, toddler pictures. It eventually stops when they turn into teenagers. Then they post their own pictures in provocative poses. It's amazing how vain we have all become. I also love how people talk about how smart and unselfish and well behaved their kids are. Yet, I have seen more rude, self-centered and stupid kids than back in the days when nobody talked about their kids. I can usually tell when people are lying. "Bobby is a good kid. He tries. He is my challenging one" That translates to "Bobby robs liquor stores and is a father of three at the age of 16." We were all kids once. We all disappointed our parents at some point in time. That's what made us terrible parents in the first place. So, the kids are alright. It's the parents that are the problem. And the kids are not afraid to tell friends how inept, clueless and horrible their parents are. We should stop being proud of our kids. They are not proud of us. They want us to die so they can have all our money. Too soon?
Daily Theme Song:
The Who - The Kids Are Alright
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